Ramazan Mubarak and Some Updates

Hello Friends,

This week marked the start of Ramazan across the world.

If you don't know then in Ramazan Muslims abstain from eating or drinking from sunrise till sunset for the whole month. These days we have a day of about 13 hours. But back then when I first came to Estonia 10 years ago, the day lasted almost 19 hours.

This was really challenging. Especially in the first week. There is a feeling of drowsiness and lethargy that makes you want to keep lying down. But this feeling goes away later and is replaced by sharpness and alertness in later weeks. And actually going back to normal after Ramazan feels weird.

This exercise also makes you realise one thing, that the majority of what we eat is not really to sustain ourselves, but because eating has become a habit. We can live comfortably with very little. But because we have such an abundance of food we keep munching on it for the sake of our taste, not of our stomach.

But anyway, some personal updates: The first session of Life in Estonia course went really well, I had participants from France and India and we had a great time together. Catherine, who was from France, said that she actually looked forward to our meeting every Sunday to hang out and talk together.

If you want to be a part of the course when I open next then you can fill this form here: https://manan.ck.page/ed6148804e

Protip If you live in Tallinn and you want to get some Asian Groceries then I can recommend two places: Igavesti in T1 Mall and Asia Mart in Mustamäe. (Just tell them Manan sent you ;) )

I also uploaded a Vlog on Youtube after a long long time, the vlog was about giving a presentation about life in Estonia to 2 companies. One online and the other in person. It was really fun but also really tiring.

This week I will be sharing a video in which I will share my personal 10-year story on what it means to be successful. Do keep an eye on it, because it will definitely make you think.

I will be sharing more regular updates and thoughts every Sunday. You can easily reply to me by replying to this email. I read them all. If you don't wish to receive these emails then feel free to unsubscribe. I won't mind at all :)

Wishing you best.


P.S As I was writing, it is snowing in Tallinn, Estonia. Guess we still have some time to go before spring is here.

Manan Anwar

I share about life abroad, about taking care of physical and mental health and being a full-time content creator running their own (1 month old) agency

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