Announcing Life In Estonia Online Course (Limited Seats)

Firstly I wish you a Happy New Year.

I am writing to you because you came across my work on YouTube and expressed interest in my life in Estonia. Now I have a special announcement.

I am really happy to announce that I am finally launching an online course about life in Estonia for foreigners. Here are the details:

The course will be held online over Google Meet for 4 weeks. Each online session will be 1.5 hours including time for questions.

Tentative Time is Sunday 1900 EEST

Week 0: I will have half an hour individual call with each participant to understand their needs.

Week 1: Everything about Work and Business: How to excel at your job? When to switch? Why should you start a side-hustle in Estonia? Taxes and best ways to save money.

Week 2: Everything about health and well-being: How to deal with dark winters? What are some Estonian Habits you absolutely need to adopt? Why sauna is more important than you think? How to take care of your mental health and fitness and why?

Week 3: Everything about people: How to create a social circle when you don't know anyone? What are some traps foreigners fall into when they get to Estonia? Why are Estonians cold and distant in the beginning and how to break ice and make friends? What are some dating do's and don'ts you need to be aware of

This course is for people who are newly arrived in Estonia or who are planning to arrive in Estonia soon. This course will help you most if you plan to live long-term in Estonia for at least 5+ years.

The course is limited to 5 seats, given on first come and first serve.

Price is 397 Euros.

via bank transfer if you are in Estonia to:

Wordsmith OÜ


If you are outside Estonia or you cannot use bank transfer, please reply and I will share another method that can work for you.

Thank you and I wish you well.


Manan Anwar

I share about life abroad, about taking care of physical and mental health and being a full-time content creator running their own (1 month old) agency

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